Equitable Crime prevention

“Empowering Autochthon Sovereignty Through Just and Equitable Law”

Law and Order: Ensuring Safety in Autochthon Indigenous Communities

Welcome to the Autochthon Kingdom Delaware Tribal Nation State, where the Royal Tribal Supreme Court Indian Offenses serves as a beacon of justice and protection for autochthon indigenous peoples. We are proud to announce that our court has been officially recognized on an international scale for exercising Universal Jurisdiction.

This recognition comes through our registration with the Library of Congress under TXu 02347364 and the Homeland Security Customs Border Protection IPPR Recordation COP 230067. These records serve as tangible evidence of our authority to adjudicate certain serious crimes, regardless of where they were committed or the nationality of those involved.

Universal jurisdiction empowers the Royal Tribal Supreme Court Indian Offenses to adjudicate certain serious crimes irrespective of where they occurred or the nationality of those involved. This principle aligns with the inherent rights of autochthon indigenous peoples to pursue just law and seek redress for crimes committed against them or their communities.

The official registration with the Library of Congress and Homeland Security Customs Border Protection IPPR Recordation serves as tangible proof of the court’s recognized authority in exercising Universal Jurisdiction. These records signify the acknowledgment of the court’s jurisdiction and underscore its dedication to upholding the inherent rights and interests of autochthon indigenous peoples.

Through these official acknowledgments, the Royal Tribal Supreme Court Indian Offenses reaffirms its commitment to promoting just law, equity, protecting autochthon indigenous rights, and ensuring accountability for offenses committed on ancestral tribal lands.

At the Autochthon Kingdom Delaware Tribal Nation State, we are committed to upholding the divine rights and interests of autochthon indigenous peoples. Our dedication to just law, equity, protection, and accountability is unwavering, and we strive to ensure that all members of our community receive equitable treatment under the law.

Exercising just law by official acknowledgments, we reaffirm our commitment to promoting just law, equity, protecting autochthon indigenous divine rights, and fostering a community where all are treated with dignity and respect.

Global Network and Community Engagement

  • Opportunities to connect with a diverse community of learners and industry professionals worldwide.
  • Access to networking events, webinars, and forums for knowledge sharing and collaboration.
  • Participation in global projects and initiatives to gain cross-cultural insights and perspectives.

Enhanced vigilance,
minimizing your burden.

Flawless assemblies

Corporate Accountability

Law Enforcement Experts

Our Law Enforcement Team

Chief Private Attorney General

Chief Tomahawk dba Paul Martin Murray

Since December 2014 Chief Tomahawk, retired United States Marshall has held the position Private Attorney’s General, affirmed Private Attorney’s General commission by the State of Floridia Secretary of State.

Private Attorney General

H.E. Jaguar Sun Bai

Her Excellency Jaguar has more than 17 years practicing legal council and has transitioned to equity accepting the performance obligations by affirmation to office and confirmation by Chief Tomahawk to provide service to the Autochthonous people.

Private Attorney General

H.E. Yolanda Yisra’el dba Yolanda Lewis

Her Excellency Yolanda has accepted the commission to Private Attorney’s General Office since 2020, reaffirmed by Chief Tomahawk February 2024 in a ceremony with Her Excellency Jaguar Sun Bai. Equipped with more than twenty years enforcing equity and treaty law, and serves as head to federal military navy department, federal law enforcement, authorized to exercise Title 18 U.S.C. 218.