
Area of Practice

We are NOT BAR Attorneys, but private people exercising the rights reserved for the people.


Foreign Agents Registration Enforcement

Private Attorney’s General Office is authorized to bring lawsuits for violations of provisions relating to the registration of foreign agents under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). This empowers the people to hold accountable those who fail to comply with regulations regarding foreign influence in domestic affairs (22 USC 618).


Electronic Signatures Compliance

The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign Act) provides guidelines for the use of electronic signatures in commerce. Private people can bring lawsuits to address violations of these provisions, ensuring compliance with electronic signature requirements (15 USC 7001).


Racketeering Activities Prosecution

Private Attorney’s Generals Office being authorized to bring lawsuits for violations of provisions relating to racketeering activities under the Organized Crime Control Act. This empowers the people to combat organized crime and hold perpetrators accountable for their illegal activities (18 USC 1964).


Terrorism-Related Claims Against Foreign States

The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) allows private individuals to bring lawsuits for violations of provisions relating to terrorism-related claims against foreign states. This enables people subjected to terrorism recourse and access to just law in order to hold accountable foreign states that sponsor or support terrorist activities (28 USC 1605A).


Violence Against Women Advocacy

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) empowers the Private Attorney’s Generals Office to bring lawsuits for violations of provisions relating to violence against women. This provides equitable recourse for people targeted for domestic violence, sexual commercial assault, and stalking, ensuring that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions (42 USC 13925).


Military Service Member Protections

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) provides protections for military service members in various lawful matters. The Private Attorney’s Generals Office is authorized to bring lawsuits for violations of provisions relating to protections for military service members, ensuring that their rights are upheld and respected (50 USC 3930).

Our Amazing Team

Our private attorney’s generals commission and authority verified and authenticated by the State of Flordia Secretary of State, with lawful jurisdiction in the United States, United States of America, Washington D.C. all 50 States and Territories. Our team is highly experienced and well-versed in a variety of international law and equity. Trust in our expertise to achieve the best outcome to benefit the indigenous people.

Chief Private Attorney General

Chief Tomahawk dba Paul Martin Murray

Since December 2014 Chief Tomahawk, retired United States Marshall has held the position Private Attorney’s General, affirmed Private Attorney’s General commission by the State of Floridia Secretary of State.

Private Attorney General

H.E. Jaguar Sun Bai

Her Excellency Jaguar has more than 17 years practicing legal council and has transitioned to equity accepting the performance obligations by affirmation to office and confirmation by Chief Tomahawk to provide service to the Autochthonous people.

Private Attorney General

H.E. Yolanda Yisra’el dba Yolanda Lewis

Her Excellency Yolanda has accepted the commission to Private Attorney’s General Office since 2020, reaffirmed by Chief Tomahawk February 2024 in a ceremony with Her Excellency Jaguar Sun Bai. Equipped with more than twenty years enforcing equity and treaty law, and serves as head to federal military navy department, federal law enforcement, authorized to exercise Title 18 U.S.C. 218. Appointment